Here you will find the steps required to setup your own 3D marketplace on your decentraland scene
Create an account at
Head to My zones inside the Manager Tab, and proceed to create a new zone. Or click on this link while being logged in (
Go back to your zone listing, you will find different actions next to the zone name (Zone panorama, events, Banners, variables, Market, Edit, Delete) Select Market
This page will show you a code, copy this code and save it, we are gonna need it afterwards
Open a command dialog and browse towards your scene folder
Inside your scene folder run this command: npm i -B @dcl/ecs-scene-utils @dcl/ui-scene-utils eth-connect dg-world-marketplace-sdk@latest
Just in case, also run npm install -g decentraland@latest
Paste the code you saved on step 4 and paste it inside the code of your scene
Integration at this point is complete
Now you can head back to the Market tab on the dashboard and start creating slots, each slot will contain a nftAddress placed for sale on the marketplace for either the entire marketplace or for a certain wallet you can specify
Last updated