Deleting a scene
You are about to enter the danger zone
Last updated
You are about to enter the danger zone
Last updated
When you no longer need a scene, you have the option to easily remove it from your dashboard.
Simply go to your scene overview screen selecting it from the left menu and click on "Delete", you will be prompted with the following lightbox popup
You need to take into consideration before going ahead, that every resource associated to this scene will be deleted and every endpoint related to this scene will stop working immediately.
The following components will be deleted or affected by this action
Media resources, including files hosted on the cloud
Scene groups
Shared scenes ( Any user who had this scene will no longer be able to access it)
MetaMarket: All of your slots associated to the scene will be deleted
API Endpoints: Any endpoint related to the scene will no longer work.
If you are 100% sure you want to move ahead, then click on the red delete button.