Create an account on the business manager

In this new section of the documentation, we'll explore how to connect your Decentraland scene with your DG Live business manager scene. Follow these steps for a seamless integration:

  1. Visit the DG Live Business Manager: Open your browser and go to

  2. Register a new account: Click "Register account," complete the form, and hit "Create account."

  3. Log in: Use your newly created account to log in.

  4. Create a new scene: In the dashboard, click the "New Scene" button on the left sidebar. Choose a name for your scene and click "Save."

  5. Access your scene: Find your new scene in the left sidebar under the "Scenes" menu and click on it. Refresh the page if it doesn't appear.

  6. Open the Scene implementation code: Click "Scene implementation code."

  7. Follow the instructions: Read the instructions provided to link your Business Manager scene with your Decentraland scene.

  8. Copy the first part of the code: Copy the following command: npm i -B @dcl/ecs-scene-utils @dcl/ui-scene-utils eth-connect dg-world-marketplace-sdk@latest

  9. Paste the command: Paste it into the terminal from the previous tutorial step "Creating a Decentraland Scene."

  10. Copy the second part of the code: Start with: import DgWorldMarketplace from "dg-world-marketplace-sdk"; Find the game.ts file in your scene folder inside the "src" folder. Open game.ts and paste the provided code.

  11. Celebrate your success: Your Decentraland scene is now connected to your Business Manager scene. Congratulations!

Refer to this section whenever you need guidance on connecting your Decentraland scene with your DG Live Business Manager scene.

Last updated