🙌Sample Scene

The example scene contains a basic Decentraland scene with the Metaverse SDK connected to the Business Manager Dashboard. You can use this as a starting point to implement the marketplace in your own scene.

You can download the example scene here.

Marketplace Assistant

The marketplace_assistant.bat is a handy script that automates several steps of the implementation process, making it faster and less prone to errors. The script provides the following options:

  1. Install dependencies: Installs the required npm packages for the scene.

  2. Implement marketplace: Creates the marketplace.ts file in the src folder with the necessary code to integrate the marketplace.

  3. Modify Scene ID: Replaces the zoneId value in the marketplace.ts file with the Scene ID provided by the user.

  4. Update marketplace SDK: Updates the dg-world-marketplace-sdk package to the latest version.

  5. Run Scene: Starts the Decentraland scene using the dcl start --web3 command.

How to Use the Marketplace Assistant

  1. Download the marketplace_assistant.bat script from here.

  2. Place the script in the root folder of your Decentraland scene.

  3. Run the script by double-clicking the marketplace_assistant.bat file.

  4. The script will display a menu with the available options. Choose the desired option by entering its number and pressing Enter.

  5. The script will execute the selected action and display logs to inform you of the progress. When the action is completed, the menu will be displayed again.

Step by Step Guide

Follow these steps to implement the marketplace in your Decentraland scene using the example scene and the Marketplace Assistant:

  1. Download the example scene and extract its contents to your project folder.

  2. Download the marketplace_assistant.bat script and place it in the root folder of your project.

  3. Run the marketplace_assistant.bat script by double-clicking it.

  4. Choose option 1 to install the required dependencies.

  5. Choose option 2 to implement the marketplace. This will create the marketplace.ts file in the src folder.

  6. Choose option 3 to modify the Scene ID. Enter your Scene ID when prompted.

  7. (Optional) Choose option 4 to update the marketplace SDK to the latest version.

  8. Choose option 5 to run the scene. The script will execute the dcl start --web3 command, and your Decentraland scene will be running.

After following these steps, you should have a fully functional marketplace implemented in your Decentraland scene, connected to the Business Manager Dashboard

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